Everything you need to know about traveling to Slovenia: useful information and safety guidelines for carefree travel to Slovenia can be found here.
Štatenberg Manor is located within walking distance (700 m) from the village of Makole. The nearest small town is Poljčane (10 km from the venue). Other nearby towns include Slovenska Bistrica (sometimes shortened to Sl. Bistrica; 15km) and Ptuj (22 km from the venue). There are many ways to get to Slovenia and Štatenberg Manor.
The nearest airports are Ljubljana in Slovenia (130 km), Graz in Austria (105 km or one hour drive) and Zagreb in Croatia (95 km). Alternative airports are Trieste, Italy (3 hours drive) and Vienna, Austria (around 3 hours drive but there are sometimes budget flights to Vienna), and Budapest, Hungary.
For onward connections to the Manor, public transport is most abundant if you arrive in Graz or Ljubljana as the venue is situated near the main Ljubljana – Maribor road and railway routes. See the Train and Taxi sections for more details. For larger groups (8-10 people) it may be possible to arrange a van to facilitate transportation.

For international connections, go to www.bahn.de. Slovenia’s railway timetable can be found at www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/passengers. Once you arrive in the region, the combination of the train and the taxi is, generally speaking, the easiest way to get to the venue. The closest train station to Štatenberg Manor is Poljčane (10 km from the venue), situated on the main Ljubljana – Maribor train line. Some faster trains do NOT stop at Poljčane; but almost all trains do stop at Pragersko (13 km from the venue). For the local taxis to the venue, see the information below.
The village of Makole is almost equidistant both from Ljubljana (105 km) and Zagreb (110 km). IMPORTANT: Slovenia requires all motor vehicles traveling on Slovenian motorways and expressways to have an e-vignette. Yearly/monthly/weekly e-vignette for cars costs €110/30/15. For more info check: https://evinjeta.dars.si/en

There are only a few user-friendly English bus timetables to be found online that cover bus options within Slovenia. If you are traveling by bus from Ljubljana to Maribor, you can check the timetable here: https://www.ap-ljubljana.si/en/timetable/.
Another option is https://arriva.si/en/ Ljubljana or Maribor to Slovenska Bistrica (sometimes shortened to Sl. Bistrica; 15 km from Makole – Štatenberg). For the local taxis to the venue, see the options below.
IMPORTANT: Štatenberg lies in a rural area with no taxis waiting onsite for passengers. You need to call taxis ahead of time to arrange your transportation. Here are some options: (Slovenska Bistrica, Pragersko, Maribor) +386 51 633 997; +386 70 443 760; + 386 2 803 3302 (landline); +386 70 868 069; +386 70 868 410; +386 41 906 741

Travel Sharing
Once you have registered, you will receive the link to the form to sign up for travel-sharing to and from Štatenberg Manor. The form works in a self-organising way, and it is up to participants to co-organise travel together.